I bought Green Mountain Books and Prints.
and it changed my life. I cannot believe how much stress I used to function under in my previous job. I am so grateful that I've been given/earned this opportunity. I struggle for the words to properly express how delighted, content, truly happy I am doing the work of the bookstore. People often ask me how it has been, how things are going and I always tell them things are good, everything is fine, the store is great and so am I...this is true but it is so much more.
I am eternally grateful to my partner of 14 years who was obligated to get himself a full-time job to make this enterprise successful. Without him I certainly would not have been able to take this on. I am grateful and thankful for the previous owner of the store who did everything in her power to help me buy the store. I am thankful to all of the customers who believe in the value of a local independent bookstore and continue to support the store on a weekly basis. I am thankful to my family who had to give up much of their time with me when I left teaching and a teacher's schedule. I am full of thanks.
I am still scared. Afraid I will fail. Pushing through that and continuing.
Goals for year two:
Website, website, website.
More non-author events
Redo the childrens room.
Figure out a memoir section...
Most awesome. Did you say that you are planning to create a bookstore Website?
I am so PROUD of you!!!
You must be so proud... struggling so hard, and with so many supportive people!
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