The garden is calling my name. It is a perfect day to be digging and planting and getting dirty. However, here I am at the bookstore, looking at books on gardening and digging and planting and getting dirty. It is a bit disheartening. I wish I could choose which days will be glorious and which will be dark and rainy and let's face it also glorious. Saturday, Saturday, Saturday rain or shine I will plant spinach and peas and lettuces. I will till and dig and be happy.
Until then I will sell books. I will discuss religious freedom, racism, eugenics, babies, ogres and goblins, presidents, movie stars, Dora vs. Amelia Bedelia, Judaica, Witches, homeopathy, yoga, home decorating, sewing, fishing, birding, macrobiotics, and a plethora of other subjects. I didn't even touch on fiction... I will talk to people of all ages, class backgrounds, ethnicity and religions. I will make mistakes. I will be annoyed, thoughtful, grateful, hopeful, and impressed. I will sell books.
I am thankful.
Yeay for Dora!
sorry to stick this here, but i couldn't find a contact email. i was wondering if you would be interested in a link exchange. i run a similar book and bookselling blog. you can reach me at
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