Thursday, May 15, 2008

One of the things I love about Tai Chi is that it is possible to focus on the microcosm and have that in turn, effect the macrocosm. Physically doing Tai Chi makes me feel strong and grounded, I gain energy which allows me to effect the world around me. It gives me the strength to to what must be done...but also a focus, so I have attention for other people, I can listen and think well about them. I also like that focusing on working with and on my body leads me into thinking about my emotional state and how those emotions effect me physically. It is physical, mental, emotional, inner, outer, on and off, yin and yang... such a balance.

I like that Tai Chi is a centuries old practice, used martially and medicinally. There is a history there which feels important and profound. (It is one of the reasons I love baseball too.) It leaves me feeling connected.

"Be as still as a mountain,

move like a great river."

1 comment:

- A - C - said...

If you have those sensation practicing Tai Chi, I strongly recommend to try the Chen style (I assume you practice Yang), Hsing Yi and, most of all, Da Cheng Chuan. You'll see where Taichi comes from and those energy sensation will be much more articulated and intense.
Have fun!

A fellow Tai Chi practitioner.

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