Friday, June 20, 2008

Today is my Birthday

June 20th, 1970 at 12:01pm I was born. I am still becoming.

I love my birthday. For me it is the most special day of the year. Vain glorious I know, but I am thankful for my life. I like to think of the births I have witnessed and imagine mine. I like to call my Mother and thank her for all the work she did to bring me into the world, according to her, it wasn't easy.

It is a good time of reflection for me. A time to notice the work I've done, a time to celebrate who I am, flaws and all. I am after all supremely pleased to be alive, to be alive now, to notice I am alive.

Happy Summer to all.


Claudia said...

I can't believe it....

I was born the very same day (some years later, of course...)
Among so many people in the world....

...Happy Birthday!!

Anonymous said...


I love your blog! Thin Speed Racer told me about it after Ballet Girl performed - so that I could see the movie you took of her dancing.

Happy belated Birthday! I didn't know you were a Gemini too! Thin Speed Racer & I are and so is his uncle and maternal grandmother.

The pictures of your flowers are fantastic! I'm happy your bookstore is doing well. I hope to be able to visit it some day. I once had a fantasy of having one myself.

Keep being the wonderful person you are!

Thin Speed Racer's Mom

Zero said...

Happy Birthday !

( "I shall be so brief that I have already finished"-Salvador Dali )

Ecletic Woman said...

Thanks all. Claudia what a strange coincedence. It is not often I meet others with the same birthday as me.
MGK, great to have you tuned in. When are you starting your blog?

The Store

The Store
in all it's glory